22nd week of 2014---Michigan Funding Sources
(Added 7/6/15) The Oxford Kids Foundation www.oxfordkidsfoundation.org The Oxford Kids Foundation will consider requests for help with...

21st week of 2014---Massachusetts Funding Sources
(Added 6/24/14) Asperger's Association of New England www.aane.org * Family Grant - Families living in the New England area and needing...

20th week of 2014---Maryland Funding Resources
Department of Social Services in Maryland www.msa.maryland.gov Individual counties in Maryland get a wide range of assistance from their...

19th week of 2014----Maine Funding Sources
(Added 6/24/14) Asperger's Association of New England www.aane.org * Family Grants- Families living in the New England area and need...

18th week of 2014---Louisiana Funding Sources
Families Helping Families of Jeffereson Stipend Program www.fhfjefferson.org/programs/Stipends Provides funds to assist individuals with...

17th week of 2014---Kentucky Funding Sources
Kentucky Assistive Technology Service (KATS) Network www.katsnet.org KATS has an assistive technology locator as well as "The Buck Starts...

16th week of 2014---Kansas Funding Sources
Gerald "Jerry" Vogel Assistive Technology Fund http://atk.ku.edu/jerryVogel/index.shtml Helps persons with disabilities and health...

15th week of 2014---Iowa Funding Sources
(Added 6/24/14) Respite Care Program www.thearcjc.org Respite Care offers families relief from the daily care of their family member with...

14th week of 2014---Indiana Funding Sources
(Added 3/13/15) Servants At Work www.sawsramps.org (Added 3/13/15) Families United for Support and Encouragement www.fuseinc.org FUSE...

13th week of 2014----Illinois Funding Resources
(Added 6/23/14) Action for Autism www.afastl.org Action for Autism serves those individuals and families who reside within a 250 mile...