32nd week of 2014--New York Funding Sources
A Mother's Kiss www.amotherskiss.org A Mothers Kiss was formed in 1994 for the purpose of providing emotional and financial support to...

31st week of 2014---New Mexico Funding Resources
New Mexico Autism Society www.nmautismsociety.org Stipend for conferences and Field Trip Mini Grants for teachers. New Mexico Make-A-Wish...

30th week of 2014---New Jersey Funding Sources
Bryan's Dream Foundation www.bryansdream.org The purpose of the foundation is to fulfill Bryan's dream by providing hope and support to...

29th week of 2014---Funding Sources in New Hampshire
Doug Flutie Jr Foundation www.dougflutiejrfoundation.org Many great programs for parents and organizations that are in the New England...

28th week of 2014--Nevada Funding Sources
For Kids Foundation www.forkidsfoundation.org For Kids Foundation is dedicated to providing financial aid and assistance to children in...

27th week of 2014--Nebraska Funding Sources
United Cerebral Palsy of Nebraska www.ucpnebraska.org Offers several programs of assistance for families in Nebraska. Computer Kids Tech...

25th week of 2014- Missouri Funding Sources
(Added 7/1/14) Resource Guide Missouri Families For Effective Autism Treatment www.mofeat.org Action for Autism www.afastl.org...

24th week of 2014--Mississippi Funding Sources

23rd week of 2014---Minnesota Funding Sources
(Added 07/01/14) The Resource Center Pogram www.westcentralindustries.com TRCP offers mini grants to families in Minnesota's Swift,...