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25th week of 2014- Missouri Funding Sources

(Added 7/1/14) Resource Guide

Missouri Families For Effective Autism Treatment

Action for Autism

Applications must be on behalf of a specific child aged 17 or under at the time of the

application who resides within a 250 mile radius of St. Louis, Missouri. Funding is available only for families of a child affected by Autism and must be for services/therapies/schooling/programs deemed to benefit said child.

Hannah's Helping Hands

Hannah and Friends provides funding for a program called Hannah's Helping Hands (HHH), which funds quality of life grants for families that care for children and adults with special needs in: Florida, Indiana (including the greater Michiana area), Kansas, Kansas City Metro Area, Rhode Island and New York. Next grant cycle will open March 1, 2015.

Kids on the Go Mobility Program

Variety St. Louis assists more than 1,450 St. Louis-area children covering 547 zip codes in Missouri and Illinois by providing them with durable medical equipment – including wheelchairs, augmentative speech devices, leg braces, hearing aids, prostheses, and van lifts – that empowers them to be physically independent.

Love Fund for Children

The Love Fund allocates funding for a wide variety of needs in a child’s life, and each case is reviewed individually. Funding can be requested for items essential to a child’s safety and well-being, such as beds, bedding, clothing, coats, shoes, medical necessities, educational needs, counseling and so much more.

United Cancer Assistance Network

UCAN of Southeast Missouri, a 501(c)3 organization, is designed to provide individualized support for area cancer patients. Our mission is to help ease some of the burdens brought about in the wake of a cancer diagnosis, thereby enhancing the quality of life experienced by local cancer patients. If you know someone who could benefit from our services, please call our volunteer office at (573)776-1892.

The W.I.L. Foundation

The WIL Foundation (Wellness, Innovation, Learning) is committed to helping families touched by developmental delays and neurological disabilities by providing financial opportunities to access the necessary community resources that will help them achieve a sustainable quality of life.


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2040 W. Central Ave, Toledo OH 43606

© 2014 by iTaalk Autism Foundation

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