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Please read thoroughly before applying.


The App Facilitator Program was created to provide assistance for families, individuals and service providers in obtaining an App or Program that would otherwise be unattainable for the family. Guidelines for this program are listed below:

​1. The App Facilitator Program will grant apps with a minimum cost of $25, and a maximum of FIVE apps/programs in a calendar year at a value of less than $250 total for each individual or therapist enrolled in the program.  This program requires significant volunteer power, so we limit this value/qty in order to ensure as many individuals have the opportunity to participate as possible.  Not all requests will be accommodated, but we will do all in our power to get as many met as possible. Applicants must CURRENTLY OWN THE DEVICE for which they are requesting apps.


​2. When applying for this program, please be prepared to provide the following:

- Individual's Diagnosis Letter (Can be any Medical Dx, but must come from a licensed professional on letterhead with current contact information) or a copy of your most recent, VALID licensure for your position.
- Name and Contact Information of an appropriate Professional* (Speech Therapist, OT, Special Education Teacher, etc) who will help ensure a successful implementation for this app/program, OR a letter from your director supervisor* stating your current position and employment.  *May be contacted by iTaalk.
- The Name of the App, Cost and Developer information**
- A brief (250-500 words) explanation of why your app request is necessary for you, your patients, or your child's success, how it will be used, and why you have been unable to purchase yourself.  Take advantage of the opportunity to tell your story. 
- Basic contact information of parent(s) and child.


​3. Program is available worldwide and open to ALL disabilities and ages (as long as there is sufficient documentation of dx).  Applications must be completed or translated into English.  Thank you.


***Applications for Touchchat by Saltillo should apply here.***


For those applying to receive the LAMP Words for Life app, there must be at least one parent or professional of the recipient attending the training on January 24th. Registration for the training is required too.


**For Proloquo2go requests, AssistiveWare (the parent company of Proloquo2go) partners with Easter Seals DuPage Fox Valley to assist individuals and families who cannot afford Proloquo2Go. Please visit for more details. iTaalk is happy to be working with Proloquo2go and their families assisting with other needs, just not for app assistance at this time. 

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2040 W. Central Ave, Toledo OH 43606

© 2014 by iTaalk Autism Foundation

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