Other Resources...​
We have so many favorite websites and organizations. We don't want to keep them to ourselves.


Tammy's Tuesday Treasures
Be sure to subscribe to this amazing resource. Each Tuesday, our very own Tammy E. posts about a charity or organization that is helping our families or loved ones. Scroll through past posts and share resources too!

App Facilitator Program
The App Facilitator Program was created to provide assistance for families, individuals and service providers in obtaining an App or Program that would otherwise be unattainable for the family.

Appy Happy
Support Groups​
The founders of iTaalk are moms, and as such, can appreciate the necessity of support groups and opportunities for sharing resources. Appy Happy Support Groups are just this...click here for upcoming Appy Happy events.

School Consultations & Proloquo2go Trainings​
Contact us for private school trainings and proloquo2go workshops. Prices vary by location.

Email brooke@itaalk.org to schedule.