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Annual Reports and Non-Profit Information:

The iTaalk Autism Foundation

iTaalk Autism Foundation is a 501c3 Non Profit, providing interactive technology education and solutions to individuals with autism and related special needs, their parents and the professionals that serve them.


In January of 2010...
the idea of iTaalk was born. The son of iTaalk President, Brooke Olson, received his first iPod® touch in August of 2009. Within the first four months his language blossomed and the results of his success were amazing his family, friends and therapists. If this success could be replicated for other children with ASD’s, then it was imperative that all children be given the opportunity and access to these interactive devices, and thus the original vision for iTaalk was formed.

   After exploring the need in the community, it became apparent that the need was not only for the devices, but for the educational piece on how to use them as well. We now pride ourselves on our Training Series for families, “iTaalk 101-104,” as well as our Professional series “iTaalk 201-204.” We also provide an affordable Top 30 list of Apps that have been successful with children on the Autism spectrum. The incredible success stories and ideas on innovative ways to use the iPods®/iPads® with our children is what keeps us going. It is our dream to provide this training along with the interactive devices so that all children with an ASD can access this wonderful technology!  

What we've done & where we're going...
Since January 1, 2011, The iTaalk Autism Foundation has educated over 3000 families, service providers and caretakers on the beneficial uses of interactive technology with children with Autism and varying other special needs.  Education is of upmost importance, and will ALWAYS be iTaalk's most important venture. With that said, the cost of technology can be overwhelming for families already struggling to afford necessary therapies.  So, iTaalk has made it a priority to offer giving cycles where families in need can apply for iOS technology.  Since April of 2011, we have given over 250 devices to children with an Autism Diagnosis.  We are always accepting donations of used iOS devices as well as financial donations.  In April of 2011, we were granted our 501c3 designation by the IRS, we hope this will encourage donations and increase our ability to receive additional grants and funding.  For more information, please contact us for information on grants, funding and donations.

Find us: 


Find us: 

2040 W. Central Ave, Toledo OH 43606

© 2014 by iTaalk Autism Foundation

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