Resource Awareness
As we come upon April and Autism Awareness Day/Month I want to make sure families are aware of all the many funding sources that were...

Canada Funding Sources
(Added 1/31/2015) Canucks Autism Network www.canucksautism.ca The Canucks Autism Network offers the Participant Membership Program to...

50th week of 2014---Wyoming Funding Sources
Make A Wish Wyoming www.wyoming.wish.org Grants the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions. #wyoming

49th week of 2014--Wisconsin Funding Sources
Angel Autism Network www.angelautismnetwork.org A.N.G.E.L. Inc's mission is to offer financial and emotional support to each individual...

48th week of 2014---West Virginia Funding Sources
Bert's Big Adventure www.bertsbigadventure.org Bert’s Big Adventure is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides a magical,...

47th week of 2014---Washington Funding Sources
Ben's Fund www.featwa.org Ben’s Fund mission through FEAT of Washington is to provide grant opportunities to Washington state families,...

46th week of 2014---Virginia Funding Sources
Autism Society's Intervention Assistance Fund www.asnv.org/page/minigrants Serving the counties of counties of Arlington, Clarke,...

45th week of 2014---Vermont Funding Sources
Assistive Technology Exchange in New England and New York www.getatstuff.org The goal of getATstuff is to help get Assistive Technology...

44th week of 2014--Utah Funding Sources
Angel's Hands Foundation www.angelshands.org Support Utah families living with unusual medical conditions and improve the quality of life...

43rd week of 2014---Texas Funding Resources
The Alexander Vision Center www.cookchildrens.org/SpecialtyServices/Ophthalmology/Pages/default.aspx Provides free eye exams and glasses...