2nd week of 2014---Alaska is the Tuesday Treasure
Added to list 9/21/14
Wish Upon the North Star
WUNS grants wishes to children with life-threatening illness. Their profound desire is to provide as much happiness and comfort as possible to these very special children and their families.
Access Alaska
Our loan closet provides assistive technology and adaptive equipment (e.g. wheelchairs, transfer benches, magnifiers, hospital beds, commodes, walkers, grab bars) to individuals with disabilities to increase their safety and independence in their homes and the community.
Acquired and Traumatic Brain Injury Program
Alaska residents over 18 years old with traumatic brain injury can apply for funding up to $2500. If you have questions or concerns please call Kate Gibbs at 907-373-3641 or email at kate@linksprc.org
Stone Soup Group facilitates two different funding sources.
1. Short Term Assistance and Referral (STAR)
Stone Soup Group's (SSG) STAR program is available statewide to respond immediately and provide short-term assistance to a variety of developmental disability needs. STAR support services are designed to avoid or ease crisis situations related to developmental disabilities. These services may be needed because a family is just learning they have a child with a disability or due to an unexpected occurrence.
STAR services may include:
Parent navigation to secure services or resources
Transportation or travel assistance to receive medical consultations or treatments
Utility assistance
Acquiring needed equipment
Emergency respite care
Funds may also be available to families in crisis who need short term assistance and are DD eligible. This may include utility assistance, medical supplies not covered by medicaid or safety supplies. These funds would be used only maximize an individual’s ability to function independently in a difficult situation by providing immediate but limited relief.
2. Developmental Disability (DD) Mini-Grants
Funds for services and items not covered by insurance may be available for people with developmental disabilities (DD). The money must be used to provide individuals who are "DD certified" or enrolled in an early intervention program with essential items which will directly improve their quality of life and increase independent living.
This may include medical, dental, vision, hearing services, supplies, therapeutic devices, adaptive equipment, and accessibility improvements or supplies and services not available from any other funding source. Applications are reviewed monthly.