42nd week of 2014---Tennessee Funding Sources
Bert's Big Adventure www.bertsbigadventure.org Helps children ages 5 to 12 years old and have been diagnosed with a chronic or terminal...

41st week of 2014--- South Dakota Funding Sources
Bert's Big Adventure www.bertsbigadventure.org Bert's Big Adventure takes children, ages 5 through 12, with a chronic or terminal illness...

40th week of 2014--South Carolina Funding Sources
Bert's Big Adventure www.bertsbigadventure.org Provides a magical, all-expenses-paid, five-day journey to Walt Disney World® for children...

39th week of 2014---Rhode Island Funding Sources
Hannah and Friends www.hannahandfriends.org Hannah and Friends provides funding for a program called Hannah's Helping Hands (HHH), which...

38th week of 2014--Pennsylvania Funding Sources
A Leg Up for Kids Foundation www.alegupforkids.org We currently donate the Sit-N-StandTM stroller to benefit children who rely on...

37th week of 2014--Oregon Funding Sources
ARROAutism Family Holiday Assistance Project www.arraautism.org/projects/familyholidayassistance Autism Research & Resources of Oregon...

36th week of 2014--Oklahoma Funding Sources
Ability Connection Oklahoma www.ucpok.org Helps with financial assistance, equipment loans & grants, information & referral, higher...

35th week of 2014---OHIO Funding Resources
A Kid Again www.akidagain.org A Kid Again's mission is to foster hope, happiness and healing for families raising kids with life...

34th week of 2014-- North Dakota Funding Sources
Cystic Fibrosis Association of North Dakota www.cfanorthdakota.com (CFA) offers financial support for medical expenses that are not...

33rd week of 2014--North Carolina Funding Sources
First In Families of North Carolina www.fifnc.org The First In Families local Chapters offer support to families and individuals...